Hot air Balloon Management 

Kubicek Balloons UK work with a wide range of customers from Individuals, Agencies, Businesses through to Balloonists and Balloon Operators. With over 30 years of experience in hot air balloons we know how to get the best from them for our customers. We have built balloons for other balloon operators and have operated balloons ourselves for clients. Whether it is a single flight or a multi national campaign we can offer the very best and honest advice to help in operating your hot air balloon.

Professional Packages tailored to You

Every customer is different and have a unique set of goals to achieve. Our professional teams are highly trained with a wealth of Ballooning experience behind them and make the most of every opportunity for our clients whether that is at an event or media on site. We can help you choose the right events and locations to achieve your goals. We can help bring focus to your balloon with our Media and PR specialist or we can work your own PR and Marketing people.

From Design to the Air

We are one of the only companies to truly offer a full comprehensive service from initial designs through to the operation of your balloon. This means everything stays in-house with one company. Our creative design teams create the visual so you can see what the balloon will look like before production begins. Our talented seamstresses make the balloon piecing together hundreds of panels and thousands of kilometres of thread to ensure the perfect shape of the balloon. Then it is passed to our expert pilots to ensure the Balloon is flown and operated for our clients.

Have and idea for your next Balloon?

Thinking about using a hot air balloon for your next big marketing idea? why not talk to us we are always happy to talk to people about their ideas and how we can help. Please feel free to contact us and lets see what we can do.

Hot air Balloon Advertising
Grenade Hot air balloon
Hot air Balloon marketing